| Convert DOC to PDF For Word Options
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Convert DOC to PDF For Word Options
General settings of PDF document:
· PDF1.2, Acrobat 3-and-later compatible.
· PDF1.3, Acrobat 4-and-later compatible.
· PDF1.4, Acrobat 5-and-later compatible.
Select the output pdf document compatibility level (a.k.a pdf version).
· None page rotate.
· Single page rotate.
· All pages rotate.
Auto-Rotate Pages automatically rotates pages based on the orientation of the text. For example, some pages (such as those containing tables) in a document may require the document to be turned sideways to be read. Choose "None" to disable the Auto-Rotate Pages option. Choose "All" to rotate all pages in the document based on the orientation of the majority of text. Choose "Single Page" to rotate each page based on the direction of the text on that page.
Here you can define the output document resolution. Usually, a higher resolution setting will result in larger but higher quality PDF, while a lower setting will result in smaller but lower quality PDF. You can enter a value from 72 to 2400.
Important: Low resolution is ideal for screen viewing. However, if high-quality paper print or the accurate control of character position is required, you should choose resolution above (include) 600dpi.
Set the overprint true or false
Compress settings of PDF document:
allows the compression of the images (bitmaps), text, and graphics (line art). ReSampling feature provides a further reduction to very large or high-resolution images. Since the effectiveness of compression is highly data dependent. For the best result, you might want to try different compression setting for different kind of data sources.
Compress text objects:
Defines whether will compress embedded fonts in the output. The default value is true; the false setting is intended only for debugging.
Color images compress:
Decide compress color image use JPEG and LZW or Flate compression.
Gray images compress:
Decide compress gray image use JPEG and LZW or Flate compression.
Mono images compress:
Decide compress mono image use JPEG and LZW or Flate compression.
Colors settings of PDF document:
Color model:
Sets the color space to be used for device-dependent colors in the output.
Fonts settings of PDF document:
· Embed full font.
· Embed used charset of the font only.
· Embed only used glyphs of the font.
· Do not embed fonts.
Select Subset embedded font option to include only those characters of a font that are used in the PDF document, to reduce document size. A "threshold" is specified to tell if font-subset is necessary. If the percentage of used characters (compare with total characters of the particular font) exceeds this threshold, the entire font is embedded.
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